Yummy Tummies Trainers

The Health Club, The Metropolitan Hotel

If you are wanting more one to one attention there is an option of using the services of one of our Yummy Tummies Trainers.
Our trainers are available to travel to your home or you can train in our exclusive Mayfair Studio.

Our Mayfair Studio is located at:
The Health Club
The Metropolitan Hotel
Old Park Lane
Mayfair  W1K 1LB

However, this service may not be for everyone.

We are not the cheapest ‘trainers’ in town. We are specialists in our field and we are very serious about getting you back into shape safely, effectively and quickly. If you are too, then please fill out an application form below.

Application form

7 + 5 =

Thank you for taking the time to fill in the application form.
One of our trainers will contact you shortly.