Are You Insane?

Are You Insane?

Einstein’s Definition of Insanity… …is doing the same the same thing over and over and expecting a difference result. You know what it is like. You go to the gym, you do the same exercise programme, you eat the same foods. And is it getting you...
So When Does Postnatal End?

So When Does Postnatal End?

This is a question that one of my clients asked me when she first started training with me. She was an interesting case and a good example why it is ‘never too late to start’. More about her in a minute. So many thing happen to your body , and your life,...
The Best Exercise for…

The Best Exercise for…

Bum, thighs, abs, arms…and so the list goes on.   This is something that I get asked all of the time.  What is the best exercise for…?   …and I really want to answer that in the best way that I can, but the answer is.  Is this exercise the...
The Truth About Diastasis Recti

The Truth About Diastasis Recti

A common definition for Diastasis Recti is when your rectus abdominals separate throughout pregnancy and don’t come back sufficiently. However, it is much more than that. Throughout your pregnancy your main external abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus) separates to...
How to ‘Make Time’ to Exercise.

How to ‘Make Time’ to Exercise.

This is something that I hear so often when working with mums. “I don’t have the time to exercise.” …and I get it. It is bloody busy and especially now with lockdown, home schooling, trying to keep hold of your mental sanity.  It’s hard...
Post baby MOT

Post baby MOT

The Post Baby MOT is a complete over assessment of your body after having your baby. This is usually done once you have been all cleared by your doctor at the six week check-up.  However, some new mums are eager to get started and can start with some low level pelvic...
Post Baby Re-Start

Post Baby Re-Start

Our New Six Week Post Baby Exercise Course The Post Baby Re-Start is a six-week online post baby exercise course designed to get you started safely after having your little one. This is a weekly online meet up to get you started safely into exercise after having a...
5 Best Ways to Flatten Your Abs

5 Best Ways to Flatten Your Abs

A lot of people have been asking how to flatten my abs after having a baby.  Actually, well most of you guys have… This is probably the number one concern that you have at this point in time. Before I launch into the top five ways, lets get a little perspective...
Post baby MOT

Yummy Tummies Online Postnatal Services

I hope that you are all doing ok as you read this. The world has gone crazy and we are still trying to get our head around what the new normal is. When you find it, please let me know what it is… We at Yummy Tummies have made the decision to move all of our...