…as I’ve had a c-section?”

An old client of mine got back in touch the other day. She had heard about The Yummy Tummies Training System I had created and had a few questions.

You see, she had been used to the high intensity workouts we used to do in Hyde park.

She was about concerned that we would launch straight into that with the Yummy Tummies programme.

Btw, she said that was the most toned she had ever been.


I know I boast, but she did really well.


My answer to her?

She will get to that stage again, however there are 5 other stages we have to go through before we get there.

The problem with “Mr Bootcamp” type programmes are that they just launch straight into the hard stuff. I mean the ‘hard stuff’ is cool. But only if you had done the ground work to get to that stage.

It is like building a house. You need to build good foundation before you stack the rest of the building on top. The stronger the foundations the bigger house you can build.

If you have shit foundations, then the house or in this case your body will break down and collapse around you.

I wish I had a pound for every person who has come to me injured after doing these military type bootcamps. Actually I just wish they came to me first. It is much easier to prevent an injury than to fix it…


Anyhow, back to my client…

She has now started the programme and she is more than happy with how it is going.

She is in the foundation building process and she is doing really well.

I will report back to you when she gets to the hard stuff.


My goal with her?

To make her the “most toned she has every been again”.

Not a bad goal after two kids is it?


Lyndon “safe” Littlefair


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