What if…

…it doesn’t work?

What if it is too hard?

What if I don’t know what to do?

What if…


In my job I have heard a lot of them over the years.

In life I must admit, sometimes shit happens…

Sometimes things just get in the way of what you really need or want to do.

But if you are putting off starting something because you are afraid of it not working then think again.

The biggest fear of all will stop you in your tracks if you let it.

The fear of failure!

Hey, I understand, I get it.

Starting something is scared.

Going into the unknown is always a pretty scared thing.

People are always afraid of the unknown.

You know what it like.

For example when you first met the in laws. Or the first day of that important job. Or a first date.

You are nervous. Your palms are all sweaty (…ok well maybe just mine).

And do you know what?

It never turns out that bad. Except for some first dates….:-)

But it never turns out like the nightmare you pictured in your mind.

It goes ok and it is kind of fun.

So just make a start.

And once you start you will find you will just keep going.

You build a little momentum and off you go.

So forget about the what if it doesn’t work and start to focus on the what if it works?

What if I lose those couple of pounds?

What if I fit back into that dress?

So get moving and throw out those negative thoughts that are holding you back!


Lyndon “no more what if’s” Littlefair


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