I remember that first day when bringing my baby girl home from the hospital.
Walking in the front door and thinking “bloody hell, now what?”
That feeling of total shock and wondering what do we do now.
That feeling of being all alone and trying to work everything out. I mean where was the instruction manual?
And you?
Did you feel the same?
But bit by bit, we learnt what to do. And in most cases what not to do. Which I must say parents are great and quick to point this out…
But there were times when we felt like we were the only people in the world going through all of this.
It seems as thought the world world around us had disappeared and we were in this tiny little cocoon and nothing else mattered.
Is this just me or did you feel that as well?
Our friends without kids just didn’t understand.
I mean, is it normal to want to go to bed by 9pm?
The lack of energy, the grabbing a quick bit to eat where you can, the constant bags and bags of stuff you have to pack just to get out of the house.
But guess what?
You are not alone.
You are not the only one out there going through this.
And you are not alone in wanting to get back in shape.
The constant uphill battle.
The constant battle of trying to fit in a quick exercise session before the next feed.
The juggling act of trying to look after your little one, but also doing something for yourself.
You are not alone.
Why not join like minded mums in the next New Mum Transformation which is starting soon.
However, this may not be for you. I’m cool with that.
It requires commitment.
There will be hard work involved.
There will be a focus on yourself and getting a better balance between looking after your baby and looking after yourself.
If this does sound like something you are prepared to commit to over a six week period, then drop me an email at lyndon@yummytummies.co.uk and we can see if this online group may be good fit for you.
In the meantime, always remember that you are not alone.
Lyndon “I’m here too” Littlefair
Ps To find out if this programme is for you, email me at lyndon@yummytummies.co.uk