Yesterday I received an email from Lisa.
Lisa is someone who was initially interested in the Post Baby Kick-Start but due to financial reasons could not afford it.
So when I mentioned the Yummy Tummies Blueprint [ ], my 15 week follow along programme was available for £64 she jumped at the chance.
Well after a week I simply dropped her an email to see how she was getting along, this was her response…
“Morning Lyndon
Yes all going well, I know I’m doing ok as my tummy muscles ache (shows I don’t use my pelvic floor much ??)
I also found that doing these exercises have helped ease my L5 on my back it was a constant pain. I originally had a slipped disk which was beginning to become Agitated by the picking up little man.
However doing the exercises I have had some good nights sleep and waking without a stiff back.
1week tomorrow completed.
Thanks Lisa”
Did you catch that? “1 week tomorrow completed!!”
She had constant back pain, was uncomfortable picking up her little one and woke up with a stiff back.
All of this helped her back in one week.
You see Lisa was someone who contacted me about three months ago enquiring about the Post Baby Kick-Start.
[[[By the way which is full for the moment. But if you want to get on the waiting list for the next one, drop me an email at]]]
I didn’t hear from her again until a couple of weeks ago when she expressed interest in starting the Blueprint.
Do you think she is happy now?
I am! She is getting results. That makes me very happy.
So if the Post Baby Kick-Start is out of your budget, but you want to get results like Lisa, the check out the Yummy Tummies Blueprint. [ ]
Lyndon “Very Happy” Littlefair
Ps The Blueprint is only the last 2 decades worth of my knowledge thrown into a 15 week, structured, six phase exercise programme.
Am I surprised Lisa is getting the results that she is? Not really. But it never makes me less happy when I get to help another person…very cool!!
PPS If you want to receive cool emails like the above one straight to your inbox without having to search through the internet again, just click on this link below…