19 Mar, 2024
This is a question that one of my clients asked me when she first started training with me. She was an interesting case and a good example why it is ‘never too late to start’. More about her in a minute. So many thing happen to your body , and your life,...
24 Sep, 2019
Optimise Your Recovery, Reclaim Your Body and Learn The Essential Methods To Long Term Success in our 6 Week Post Baby Kick-Start Begin your journey of getting your body back in shape with a group of like-minded mums and gain the necessary tools to make a real...
17 Nov, 2016
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple yet guide of the do’s and don’ts when it came to exercising after having a baby? What if you could just pick up a guide that said everything you needed to know. And not just about exercises. What if it covered...
1 Mar, 2016
Tatler thinks that Yummy Tummies is … The Best For Easing Back into The Gym After Having a Baby. Very proud and excited about this news. Check out the Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide within the March 2016 edition of Tatler… To apply to work directly...
27 Nov, 2015
When it comes to getting back in shape after having a little one mums always ask me what exercises should I do? Or, which ones are best for me? Or, where do I start? And my answer… It all depends on how your body is actually working at this point in time. You...