19 Mar, 2024
This is a question that one of my clients asked me when she first started training with me. She was an interesting case and a good example why it is ‘never too late to start’. More about her in a minute. So many thing happen to your body , and your life,...
24 Sep, 2019
Optimise Your Recovery, Reclaim Your Body and Learn The Essential Methods To Long Term Success in our 6 Week Post Baby Kick-Start Begin your journey of getting your body back in shape with a group of like-minded mums and gain the necessary tools to make a real...
17 Nov, 2016
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple yet guide of the do’s and don’ts when it came to exercising after having a baby? What if you could just pick up a guide that said everything you needed to know. And not just about exercises. What if it covered...
12 Feb, 2015
” Imagine… there is a bank that credits your account each morning with £86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day gets deleted. What would you do? Draw out every penny...
12 Feb, 2015
Yesterday I saw a client of mine that I hadn’t seen for a couple of weeks. She had a combination of childcare and lots of stuff going on, so she couldn’t make training for a couple of weeks. In other words “life” got in the way of her exercise....