What About You?

What About You?

Right now in this postnatal period you are probably up to your eyeballs with routines, structures, lists and generally things to do. And that’s just the baby… How about you? Are you taking any time to look after yourself right now? Of course there is nothing...
Do we really need to Mind The Gap?

Do we really need to Mind The Gap?

Abdominal separation. Do we really need to focus on this 100%? Is this the be all of postnatal rehabilitation? What if I told you that there are lots of other factors which are more important. Firstly the most important factor when determining whether your abs will...
Working Out Vs Working In

Working Out Vs Working In

One of my subscribers emailed me the other day with a great question.  This question has been asked many times so I thought I would share the answer with you. Will doing the Yummy Tummies exercise system make me more tired? This is a great question. I mean when you...
Download our Essential New Mum’s Guide

Download our Essential New Mum’s Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple yet guide of the do’s and don’ts when it came to exercising after having a baby? What if you could just pick up a guide that said everything you needed to know. And not just about exercises. What if it covered...
Tatler has recently voted me as…

Tatler has recently voted me as…

Tatler thinks that Yummy Tummies is … The Best For Easing Back into The Gym After Having a Baby. Very proud and excited about this news. Check out the Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide within the March 2016 edition of Tatler… To apply to work directly...
The Best Exercises to Do Post Baby

The Best Exercises to Do Post Baby

When it comes to getting back in shape after having a little one mums always ask me what exercises should I do? Or, which ones are best for me? Or, where do I start? And my answer… It all depends on how your body is actually working at this point in time. You...