So When Does Postnatal End?

So When Does Postnatal End?

This is a question that one of my clients asked me when she first started training with me. She was an interesting case and a good example why it is ‘never too late to start’. More about her in a minute. So many thing happen to your body , and your life,...
Post baby MOT

Post baby MOT

The Post Baby MOT is a complete over assessment of your body after having your baby. This is usually done once you have been all cleared by your doctor at the six week check-up.  However, some new mums are eager to get started and can start with some low level pelvic...
Download our Essential New Mum’s Guide

Download our Essential New Mum’s Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple yet guide of the do’s and don’ts when it came to exercising after having a baby? What if you could just pick up a guide that said everything you needed to know. And not just about exercises. What if it covered...
Download our Essential New Mum’s Guide

Words from a wise one…

There is no Trying, just Doing. This is great quote from the wise one called Yoda. I know so many people that are amazing at planning, scheduling and talking about what they are going to do. They are always going to do this. And going to do that. They make the plan....
So When Does Postnatal End?

Too much, too soon

One of my clients had a frustrating week last week. She was extremely frustrated with her exercise in that she wanted to do more. She wanted to be back to where she once was. And she wanted to be back there right now. She had once been a competitive athlete in...